About Us
Reigning Glory is a Full Gospel Church
located in Lebanon, Oregon.
Pastors Timothy and Lynn Cooper have been in full time ministry since 1979 throughout Oregon and Washington. Going forward as God opens the way, they are
"Training to Reign - Establishing Change".
Their ministry has a very strong emphasis on
Outreach and Discipleship.
Our Pastors:
Pastors Timothy and Lynn Cooper began full time ministry
in1979 throughout
Oregon and Washington.
Raised up in Word of Faith and brought into the knowledge of
Kingdom Reality
by the guidance of Holy Spirit, they bring the Good News with a balanced teaching of Word and Spirit.
Lynn Cooper
Lead Pastor
Timothy Cooper
Pastor & Food Pantry Director
With a heartfelt unction to see souls saved, healed and delivered,
Michael & Heather lead our
Celebrate Recovery
team each Friday evening.
Having lived the "street life", they
have hearts that cry out for those trapped
in the bondage of sin. Helping others to come into the Light & Life of Jesus
stokes their fire continuously to
follow the Spirit's direction
into the streets, the parks and house to house as they encourage others to come out of darkness and encounter Truth.
With a deep heart to Worship the One
that set them free, the Robles' also lead
the Church in Praise & Worship.
Not being musically trained,
they have learned to play their
instruments under the leading
of the Spirit's hand
and take us each week
into the "on your face"
worship of the Father.
Michael & Heather Robles
Outreach Evangelists & Worship Leaders